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Migrating to GraphQL (Beta)

⚙️Beta Feature

This content describes a beta feature or service. Beta features and services are in active development, so details are likely to change.

This feature or service is currently available in

  • Devnet
  • Testnet
  • Mainnet

This guide compares JSON-RPC queries to their equivalent GraphQL counterpart. While it is possible to systematically rewrite JSON-RPC queries (for example, sui_getTotalTransactionBlocks) to their GraphQL counterparts using this guide, it is recommended that you revisit your application's query patterns to take full advantage of the flexibility that GraphQL offers in serving queries that touch multiple potentially nested endpoints (for example transactions, balances, coins), and use the following examples to get a flavor of how the two APIs express similar concepts.

For a comprehensive list of all available GraphQL features, consult the reference.

Example 1: Get total transaction blocks

The goal is to get the total number of transaction blocks in the network.

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "sui_getTotalTransactionBlocks",
"params": []

Example 2: Get a specific transaction block

The goal is to get the transaction block by its digest.

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "sui_getTransactionBlock",
"params": [
"showInput": true,
"showRawInput": false,
"showEffects": true,
"showEvents": true,
"showObjectChanges": false,
"showBalanceChanges": false

Example 3: Get coin objects owned by an address

The goal is to return all Coin<0x2::sui::SUI> objects an address owns.

query {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "suix_getCoins",
"params": [
"0x5094652429957619e6efa79a404a6714d1126e63f551f4b6c7fb76440f8118c9", //owner
"0x2::sui::SUI", //coin type
"0xe5c651321915b06c81838c2e370109b554a448a78d3a56220f798398dde66eab", //cursor
3 //limit

New features

There are also things that GraphQL can do, which JSON-RPC cannot:

Example 4: Getting objects by type

This query fetches the latest versions of objects of type 0x2::package::Publisher that are currently live on-chain.

query {
objects(filter: { type: "0x2::package::Publisher" }) {
nodes {
asMoveObject {
contents { json }

Example 5: Paging through package versions

The goal is to find all versions of the Sui framework, and list their modules:

query {
packageVersions(address: "0x2") {
nodes {
modules {
nodes {
  • GraphQL reference: Auto-generated GraphQL reference for Sui RPC.
  • GraphQL quick-start: Querying Sui RPC with GraphQL gets you started using GraphQL to query the Sui RPC for on-chain data.
  • GraphQL concepts: GraphQL for Sui RPC examines the elements of GraphQL that you should know to get the most from the service.